We realize that our (future) customers are paying their hard-earned money for Yooki garments. In return, you should expect from us the highest quality woolies that we can manufacture as well as some transparency about what goes into making our product. This blog is an installment in giving you a look “behind the scenes” of our budding operation.
Per Load Cost Analysis of Popular Cloth Diaper Detergents
There's not a lot of buzz about using Unicorn Beyond Clean for diaper washing but I'm confident that it'll steadily grow in popularity as more people try it. It's a great option. Read more for instructions on how to try it in your cloth diapering routine.
Un-dyed wool felt was used to test the cleaning action of five popular wool washes against a variety of stains you encounter in everyday life.
See Unicorn Beyond Clean, Unicorn Fibre Wash, Kookaburra, Eucalan, and SOAK compared.